Scanning and Shredding is the act of digitally imaging documents the customer desires to be scanned and then shredded the same day. OCR Scanning (Optical character recognition) is a process where an image file, such as a PDF or tiff, is converted into a text-rich searchable document. This allows for manipulation of content for the customer so they
can utilize the scanned files with easy access for editing and manipulation.
If you take a minute to think about how much information is created, stored, managed and disposed of on any given day at a business, you can easily become overwhelmed. Because of that, records management is often viewed as overwhelming simply because information grows at such a fast rate. But it's a necessary part of doing business and, in fact, the way you manage your records can
make or break your business. You have to keep files, not only to be able to reference them in the future, but many laws and regulations say you have to keep them for specific periods of time. As a result, most businesses spend countless hours trying to figure out how to get a handle on their information.
The truth is, it's really not that hard thanks to document imaging technology. The way document imaging works is that all hard copy files, regardless the original file type, are imaged and converted to electronic images
Once the information from the files are scanned and saved for our customer we can then start the shredding process to rid you of the boxes and cabinets that have been taking up so much space. You will now have more room while being able to easily have your files' information with a few keystrokes. This will save you time, money and space.
Benefits have having scanned files……
Convenience, Time Saver – Information is accessible with this type of records management option no matter the time or day or night, and it can be reviewed in a matter of seconds. So, if you need your files in the middle of the night, you can simply log on from your home, rather than having to physically locate the file at your office.
Better Security for your Business – Business identity theft and sensitive information falling into the wrong hands are things all businesses have to work hard to prevent. With information being housed through a document management program, information is protected on a secure, password protected site. You can choose who has access to what. Not only does
that help prevent possible internal identity theft problems, you'll also be protected if there's a break-in at your business because sensitive information won't be lying around.
Cost Reduction – For companies who have staff managing information, positions can be reallocated to focus on more revenue generating areas. With document imaging, storage space is saved and hard copies no longer take up space. For companies who are renting space to store files, this could add up to a lot of money on an annual basis. Also, by not
having to print a hard copy of every file needing to be retained, you'll save on ink and paper. |